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Furry Tales

In additional to that this author was just a delightful client to work with. He needed to have a shopping cart with special features and the Wix store would not be enough to meet his needs, and since Shopify was no longer a 3rd part plugin available in the Wix marketplace our Wix expert had to get creative. In the end we got it done, we were able to create a work around in order get his Shopify store on his Wix website seamlessly. Our Wix SEO specialist also implement all the needed SEO to get him going.


Furry Tales: Author Website Design

This legendary gerbil is making hearts smille with this true story of a daredevil gerbil in peril and his human, a young boy named Michael, who goes on a fast-paced adventure to rescue him. The author or this wonderful children's book searched tireless for the perfect Wix designer to build his author website design. It was important to him that he brought in a team that was diverse, talented, and patient. When he came to his final decision he decided to go with our Wix design agency; Crystal Coded. We would personally have to say this was one of our most joyous projects to work on, it pulled out new found creativity and out of the box thinking for this website design. As an author website designer projects like these typically are very bland and have no excitement, but not this one.

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